Friday, May 15, 2009

Soon to be pumper!

It's been a while since I've written...mostly because I also keep a hand written journal.. so sometimes I feel redundant!

Lots of diabetes related things have happened in the 5 last months since my last post. I finally have found a team of diabetic nurses, educators and doctors who have explained to me the REAL way to manage diabetes. Why did it take so long???

I understand SO much better now. Wow.

Bottom line was:
I was over insulin-ing myself and it was causing some issues; hypoglycemia unawareness, uncontrolled highs and lows, ALL over the map BGs.

Of course diabetes is no where near close to a perfect science.. but understanding it helps alot. Now I can actually say that I know by how many mmol/L one unit of NovoRapid lowers my bloodsugar and also how much food hightens it.

It's truly fascinating understanding how the body works. OF COURSE, women have some outside sources coming in to stir the pot. Menstrual cycles throw evil things into the mix.. a week before my cycle I have high blood sugars and the DAY of, they drop ALOT. Hopefully one day I will be able to know exactly when it's coming and better control it.


I am prime candidate for the insulin pump.. and I am so happy about it.

On a pump, I'll be able to fine-tune my insulin needs and really keep my BGs at a steady level. The whole process of transferring to a pump is scary and complicated but I trust the team will be able to help me through the ups and downs of it all.

Pros to pumping:
Not having to eat if I don't feel like it
Better control
Fine tuning when doing physical activities
24hr/7ds insulin delivery controlled by ME
Less possibilities of complications relating to poor control

Cons to pumping:
DKA - from problems with pump or forgetting to attach pump
Diabetes being public to the world.

Overall.. the pros override the cons.. which is why I want one..I will be a much happier and controlled diabetic and I won't have to worry so much when i do things! I won't have to worry after I eat something what my BG will be.. will it be high? did I mis-calculate my bolus?? Do i have insulin on board?

The pump has the ability to let you know these things, AMAZING. Of course i will still have to test and probably more than I do with MDI but it's worth it... I already test 6-8 times daily.

I am just so excited and can't wait until it happens.

Wish me luck!

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